Geology for Archaeologists Walk

Following on her fascinating workshop Dr Elizabeth Pickett led an afternoon walk  for 20 volunteers looking at the geology of our survey area north of Cawfields Gap. After an initial recap on her workshop explanation of the main geological features of the area Dr Pickett led the group to a sandstone outcrop rich in the fossil remains of the roots of trees that grew on the tropical delta forests when the sandstone was being laid down over 300 million years ago. Proceeding to Pont Gallon Burn we were shown how the stream had exposed a layer of softer shale. Nearby we saw the entrance to the Hilda Drift mine where the local coal steam had been worked until the 1940’s. We also had a close look at one of the striking sink holes that are found in the local limestone.


Once again volunteers were fascinated and enthused by Dr Pickett’s explanation of how geology has shaped the landscape of our Beyond the Wall survey area. Tynedale North of the Wall Archaeology Group are most grateful to Dr Pickett for her contribution to our project. We are also very grateful to both Heritage Lottery Fund and Northumberland National Park whose funding support is enabling us to deliver such valuable and interesting training to volunteers engaged in our survey programme. Our thanks also go to the local farmers for their help in allowing us access to their land and accepting us into their working environment.

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